9. Januar 2012 - Krieg droht in der Wüste, die Sahara wird ein Flüchtlingslager!: die Kämpfe in Angola stirbt nach unten, sondern von weiter nördlich aus der Sahara kommen diese Bilder von den Auswirkungen eines weiteren Krieges, die droht zu eskalieren und einen großen Konflikt zwischen Algerien und Marokko. Hafid Boudjemma 25 km von Tindouf, ist der wichtigste Flüchtling Lager in Algerien, mit mehr als 18.000 Häftlinge bereits und mehr ankommende täglich. Es besteht aus fünf Abschnitten getrennt zur Verringerung des Risikos von Krankheit sowie die Gefahr von Bombardierung zu verringern
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Jan. 09, 2012 - As war threatens in the desert, the Sahara becomes a refugee camp!: The fighting in Angola dies down but from further North, from the Sahara, come these pictures of the effects of another war that threatens to escalate and become a major conflict between Algeria and Morocco. At Hafid Boudjemma, 25 kms from Tindouf, is the principal refugee camp in Algeria, with over 18, 000 inmates already, and more arriving daily. It consists of five sections seperated to reduce the risk of disease as well as to reduce the danger from bombing. The Camp is administered by the Saharadui Provisional National Council and the Polisario Front. Further away is Bir Khaoulet, a smaller camp only 3kms from the border. It only opened three weeks ago and already holds 4, 000 people from Tifariti which has been bombed by the Moroccan airforce. The Polisario escorts civilians to safety in Algeria and it's patrols will now be stepping up offensive actions in the Western Sahara and into Morocco. Land Rover patrols of five or six men attack enemy columns and outposts, mine roads where they exist, and bring in wandering civilians. They are lightly armed and have limited fuel and water and live on dates, returning to base only to re-stock. One patrol leader admitted raiding as far as Goulimine, a principal town in Morocco. These pictures taken by John Stathatos show the camps, the patrols and two of the en now in the forefront of yet another struggle in an uneasy continent. Mohamed Abdal-la Tammy, ex-Secretaire general adjoint of the Spanish Governor General of the Sahara. He was the man who welcomed King Juan Carlos to the territory last year. He joined the F. Polisario on December 4th and now holds an administrative post. His wife is the camp doctor at Hafid Boudjemaa. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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