31. März 2012 - führende Indien Wissenschaftler entwickelt neue Theorie auf Diamanten dort sind vier Arten der weltweit die meisten Edelstein. Studienjahre in seinem Labor führten Sir C.V.Raman, weltberühmte Wissenschaftler eine neue Theorie auf Diamanten zu deklarieren. Diese Nobelpreisträger, dessen voller Name Bharata Ratna Raja Sabhabhushana Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman KT, den letzten Gewinner des Lenin-Friedenspreis und Entdecker des Raman-Spektrum und viele chemische Fortschritte der Einsatz in der Ölindustrie lautet behauptet, dass es vier und nicht eine Art des Diamanten
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Mar. 31, 2012 - India's leading Scientist Evolves New Theory On Diamonds There Are Four Species Of The World's Most precious Stone. Years of study in his laboratory have led Sir C.V.Raman, world-famous scientist, to declare a new theory on diamonds. This Nobel prize-winner, whose full name is Bharata Ratna Raja-sabhabhushana Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman Kt., recent winner of the Lenin Peace Prize and discoverer of the Raman Spectrum and many chemical advances of use in the Oil industry, claims that there are four and not one type of diamond. In his Mysore Laboratory, in the Raman Research Institute, this 70-year-old man explains his findings. A diamond consists of two sets of carbon atoms joined in a regular order revolving in a fixed position. Depending on the order and direction of their movement is the brightness of the stone. The method he uses to discover this movement involves using a spectroscope in a light-tight box 5ft x 2 feet. Light from a tiny aperture is allowed to fall on the diamond which is revolved like a lighthouse. A photographic plate 2 or 3 inches records the reflections during exposure lasting up to 30 days 1/2. On developing, thousands of fine lines are found to be either to the right of the left of centre and of varying density. From these, and measuring them by microscope, the scientist computes on a blackboard 20 feet long by 6 feet deep the giant arithmetical problem involved. By studying the results of numbers of stones, the conclusion is reached what there are four distinct types of diamond stone and not one, as previously thought. In his laboratory, Sir C.V.Raman has a museum containing every known species of quartz and mica. These he uses in his studies into the spectrum, and molecular diffraction of light, in which he is the World's Greatest Authority, and for his work on which he has been the Recipient of Honours from many Nations. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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