28.09.2022, Deutschland, Berlin - Eine Frau protestiert anlässlich einer Solidaritätskundgebung auf dem Pariser Platz zusammen mit anderen AktivistInnen, hauptsächlich Frauen
28.09.2022, Germany, Berlin - A woman protests together with other activists, mainly women, during a solidarity rally on Paris Square on the occasion of the uprising in Iran after the death of Mahsa Amini. The aim is to draw attention to the situation of women and children in conflicts with a special focus on the current situation of women in Iran but also on the situation of women worldwide. Among the participants of the rally in front of the Brandenburg Gate were also some German politicians and celebrities, such as the CSU politician and member of the Bundestag and former Minister of State Dorothee Baer, pictured here on the left. 0SL220928D022CAROEX.JPG [MODEL RELEASE: NO, PROPERTY RELEASE: NOT APPLICABLE (c) caro images / Schuelke, http://www.caro-images.com, info@caro-images.com - In case of using the picture for any purpose, please contact the agency - the picture is subject to royalty!]