27. März 2012 - sind acht hohen Säulen, die Sonne darstellt, Mond und sechs Planeten der hinduistischen Astrologie nur innerhalb der Außenwand gebaut. Sie scheinen keine Funktion zu haben und können haben eine größere Rolle in den Tagen, wenn Astrologie praktiziert wurde, am siamesische Hof gespielt. Sie sind in das Muster der Siva Angan gebaut die Phallus-Symbol auch häufig in Indien
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Mar. 27, 2012 - Eight tall pillars representing the sun, moon and six planets of Hindu astrology are built just inside the outer wall. They seem to have no present function and may have played a greater role in the days when astrology was practiced at the Siamese court. They are built in the pattern of Siva Angan the phallic symbol also common in India. The Temple Of The Emerald Buddha: Siam's Private Royal Temple Photographed Probably For The First Time: Most beautiful and fabulous of all the temples in Asia, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, shrine of the kings of Siam, has seldom if ever before been open for photography. These pictures, just received from our staff correspondent, were taken by special permission and show something of its majesty and mystery. In every other Buddhist temple Live monks and novices, headed by a Chief Abbot of the Temple. The King's Temple is, however, so exclusive and sacred, that no monk is permitted to stay within. Greatest treasure in the Temple is the priceless Emerald Buddha, palladium of Siam, and the most precious image of Buddha in existence. The Temple is part of the Grand Palace in Bangkok, enclosed in its double walls. The palace is no longer occupied by the king, but the temple is frequently visited by him. Once a week the temple is open to the public, under many watchful eyes of the guardians. Normally all photography is forbidden. The sacred image itself is only 31 inches high, carved from solid green jasper and mounted almost out of sight on a 34 foot high throne. Three times yearly the golden jewelled ornaments decorating it are changed. Only the king or specially appointed deputy may perform the task. The buddha was - legend says - carved in India about 2, 000 years ago by Vissukarm, architecht of the gods, for a monk named Nagasana. It was sized as booty when the Siamese conquered Laos in the 18th century and enshrined in Bangkok in 1782. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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