26. Oktober 2023, Fishmongers Hall, London, Großbritannien. Ozeanaufstand protestiert gegen ökologische Schäden durch Lachszucht. In der Halle veranstaltet der Marine Stewardship Council sein Annual Awards Dinner. Pressemitteilung: Am Donnerstag, den 26. Oktober, um 18:00 Uhr starteten zwei Lachsdarsteller von Ocean Rebellion vor dem Annual Awards Dinner des Marine Stewardship Council in der Fishmongers’ Hall am Ufer der verschmutzten Themse in London. Sie trugen groteske Lachsköpfe und begannen sofort ein skurriles und SKRUPELLOSES Spiel mit ROSA PONG, was die schreckliche Grausamkeit des schottischen salms hervorhob
8192 x 5464 px | 69,4 x 46,3 cm | 27,3 x 18,2 inches | 300dpi
26. Oktober 2023
London, UK
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26th Oct. 2023, Fishmongers Hall, London, UK. Ocean Rebellion protest ecological damage caused by salmon farming. Inside the Hall the Marine Stewardship Council hold their Annual Awards Dinner. Press release: On Thursday, October 26th, at 18:00 two salmon performers from Ocean Rebellion beached in front of the Marine Stewardship Council's Annual Awards dinner at the Fishmongers’ Hall on the banks of the polluted River Thames in the City of London. They wore grotesque salmon heads and promptly began a bizarre and ruthless game of PINK PONG, highlighting the terrible cruelty of the Scottish salmon industry and their RSPCA backers who, as the performers batted the farmed salmon issues between themselves, were holed up in the opulent Fishmonger’s Hall devouring overfished fish and patting themselves on the backs for their immense cash flows. Their keynote speaker, marine biologist and TV presenter Monty Halls, should know better than to endorse this appallingly cruel industry by his presence—has he no shame? The pink PINK PONG table was inscribed with ‘SALMON FARMING, SALMON CRUELTY. BACKED BY THE RSPCA.’ The PONG was provided by the eerie scent of rotting salmon. Mortality figures for farmed salmon continue to rocket at a disgusting rate. Production in 2022 was 18% less than the previous year because of more salmon dying in agony. The RSPCA have obligingly covered this up, preferring to receive money from the salmon farming industry for their animal welfare ‘assurance’ labelling, labelling we see across all Scottish farmed salmon products. Last year the Scottish salmon industry produced 169, 194 tonnes of farmed salmon; 36, 199 tonnes less than in 2021, due to dying salmon caused by crowded salmon cages, salmon lice and careless (or no) animal welfare standards. The dodgy RSPCA farmed salmon welfare standards are drawn up by the salmon farmers themselves. Because of public disgust at the poor state of salmon welfare the industry has recently applied to rebr
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