26. Februar 2012 - A Boy ist verrückt Bischof - für 23 Tage.: dreizehn - Jahr - alte Timothy Owen-Burke wurde aus der Angel Song School, Addlestone, Surrey, berühmt als ein Internat produzieren Chorknaben bekannt als '' Engel '', und führen Sie durch die Rev junge Bischof nach der Jahrhunderte - alten - Custom und Zeremonien in der St. Mary -
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Feb. 26, 2012 - A Boy is mad a Bishop - for 23 days.: Thirteen - year - old Timothy Owen-Burke was made a Boy Bishop according to the centuries - old - custom and ceremonies, at St. Mary - of the - Angel Song school, Addlestone, Surrey, famous as a boarding school producing choristers known as ''Angels'', and run by the Rev.Desmond Morse-Boycott, a coasing of the Premier Annually the boys elect one of their number - he must however be able to get into the vestments, have a good voice and be of the very best character - for the ceremony and succeding engagements which last until Holy Innocents Days. His only reward other than a spiritual one, is a golden guinea, and that of his chaplain or runner up in the voting half-a-guinea. The origins of having Boy Bishops at Christmastime is ancient. The ceremonies and subsequent engagements were very elaborate and surrounded by veneration by the populate . Henry VIII made a Declaration that Boy Bishops should be elected, at on thrones and rebeals that he probably delivered a Sermon. As early as 1262, St. Paul's Cathedral records show that there was a Boy bishop..'' Out of his vestments, the bishop is just and ordinary schoolboy: in them he receives from his fellow pupils, the respect that his tempors high office requires. Photo shows wearing his cope and mitre, the black gloves and the ring, 13-year-old Timothy Oewn-Burke, the Boy Bishop sits on the throne with his chaplain standing by him holding The Crozier. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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