25.08.2016, Tiraspol, Transnistrien, Moldau - Die heroische Eroberung eines Soldaten' Das Denkmal ursprünglich eingerichtet, als die sowjetische Seite im Jahre 1972, ist heute Dom
25.08.2016, Tiraspol, Transnistria, Moldova - The heroic conquest of a soldier ' The memorial originally set up as a Soviet site in 1972, is today dominated by the Transnistria conflict, which cost over 1000 dead in 1992, and the Eternal Flame in the form of a Sovietstern. The region then split off after a war lasting several months from Moldova. Transnistria is an abbreviated Moldovan republic under Russian influence east of the river Dnister and is not recognized by any other country. It is also known as the Transdnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic / Pridnestrovkaja Moldavskaya Respublika / PMR). Tiraspol is the capital. 00A160825D102CAROEX.JPG - NOT for SALE in G E R M A N Y, A U S T R I A, S W I T Z E R L A N D [MODEL RELEASE: NOT APPLICABLE, PROPERTY RELEASE: NO (c) caro photo agency / Bastian, http://www.caro-images.pl, info@carofoto.pl - In case of using the picture for any purposes, please contact the agency - the picture is subject to royalty!]