25.08.2016, Tiraspol, Transnistria, Moldova - The famous tank monument in the city center (street of the 25th October), a Russian T 34 from the Second World War. One of the many remnants of the Soviet Union. Transnistria is a repulsive Moldovan republic under Russian influence east of the river Dnister. The region split from Moldova in 1992 and is not recognized by any other country. Even the Russia-dependent structures are known as the Transdnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Pridnestrovkaja Moldavskaja Respublika / PMR). Tiraspol is the capital. 00A160825D073CAROEX.JPG - NOT for SALE in G E R M A N Y, A U S T R I A, S W I T Z E R L A N D [MODEL RELEASE: NO, PROPERTY RELEASE: NO (c) caro photo agency / Bastian, http://www.caro-images.pl, info@carofoto.pl - In case of using the picture for any purposes, please contact the agency - the picture is subject to royalty!]