25. Februar 2012 - A Schulleben am Egge auf dem Hügel: eine berühmte britische öffentliche Schule die Königin besuchen: unter einer Reihe von privaten Besuche ihrer Majestät werden im Frühjahr und Sommer zu öffentlichen Schulen machen, wird der Besuch in Harrow als eines der interessantesten, Rang, denn es war auf dem Hügel, dass Winston Churchill erzogen wurde , sowie viele andere Britian des illustren und talentierten Söhne. Namen wie Byron und Sheridan gesehen werden geschnitzt in den Wänden der alten vierte Form Raum. Sir Robert Peel, Earl Baldwin haben ihre Büsten in Harrow
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Feb. 25, 2012 - A School life at harrow on the hill: A famous British Public School the Queen will visit: Among a series of private visits Her Majesty will be making during the Spring and Summer to public schools, the visit to Harrow will rank as one of the most interesting, for it was on the Hill that Winston Churchill was educated, as well as many other of Britian's most illustrious and talented sons. Names such as Byron and Sheridan are seen carved in the walls of the Old Fourth Form Room. Sir Robert Peel, Earl Baldwin have their busts at Harrow.King Faisal of Irak went to Harrow and so did Pandit Nehru. Harrow is known to the world far the straw hats worn by its pupils, and for the be-tasselled round hats worn with sports kit. As Eton has its Wall game, Harrow 9Eton's great rival) has its own brand of Rugby Football played with a Dutch cheese shared ball. Harrow's history is long and varied going back to ~~~ Elizabeth times but it was the great John Lyon who obtained the Royal Charter for the school which he had endowed even before 1591. From then on wards the Lyon School, run according to his strict statutes, grew and grew. From 1615 until 1746 it ranked as a Grammar School and the original statutes underwent same altorations although the education old school room, di~ly it by candles they provided themselves. Eventually after the advent of Dr. Arnold and the later public school methods he introduced, Harrow ranked as one of Britain's great independent public schools, and has remained one ever since. It gained its freedom from the restrictions of the Lyon statues, after the Public Schools Act had been passed in 1868, although in the case of Harrow final freedom for modernisation only came in 1874. Photo shows school life at Harrow; A boys room in Newlands House. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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