1921 Des Moines und Polk County, Iowa, Stadt Verzeichnis. oCo-res 1120 20 Smith Chas K real est Res 1023 3d Smith Chas L plmbr C J Fuller res 3820 4 th | Smith Chas P timekpr Res 2911 Staat Smith Chak-T-res 703 7 Smith Chas W agt Prudential ins Kerne 1517 Capitol av Smith Chas W Pferd. trainer FairGrounds res 2713 e Nussbaum Smith ChasWilab res510e 5 Smith CHeIs W mngr Head Motor Kerne 900 18 Smith Charlotte (wid Jakob) bds E JSmith Smith Christine C (wid Jas C) bds 74035Th ich Smith Clara slsldy S S Kresge Co rms 512 e 18 Smith Clara F (wid Edwin) bds 104019Th ich Smith Clare student Drake.
1402 x 1782 px | 23,7 x 30,2 cm | 9,3 x 11,9 inches | 150dpi
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Dieses Bild ist ein gemeinfreies Bild. Dies bedeutet, dass entweder das Urheberrecht dafür abgelaufen ist oder der Inhaber des Bildes auf sein Urheberrecht verzichtet hat. Alamy berechnet Ihnen eine Gebühr für den Zugriff auf die hochauflösende Kopie des Bildes.
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1921 Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa, City Directory . oCo res 1120 20th Smith Chas K real est res 1023 3d Smith Chas L plmbr C J Fuller res3820 4th| Smith Chas P timekpr res 2911 State Smith Chak -T res 703 7th Smith Chas W agt Prudential Ins Cores 1517 Capitol av Smith Chas W horse . trainer FairGrounds res 2713 e Walnut Smith ChasWilab res 510 e 5th Smith CHeIs W mngr Head Motor Cores 900 18th Smith Charlotte (wid Jacob) bds E JSmith Smith Christine C (wid Jas C) bds 74035th I Smith Clara slsldy S S Kresge Co rms512 e 18th Smith Clara F (wid Edwin) bds 104019th I Smith Clare student Drake.Universityrms 1551 12th Smith Claire N bds 1428 e Walnut Smith Clarence drivei^ Bellew Coal Cores 1002 Shaw Smith Clarence H designer Lozier TheFlorist Ids 1310 6th av Smith Claience L carp res 3207 Cam-bridge Smith Clarence S (c) rms 1207 Centev Smith Clarence S adv solr The D MNews G4 rms 1209 5th Smith Clarence W electr Central Elec-tric Co res 1431 2l8t Smith Clarence W vulcanizer la Vul-canizing Co res 609 10th DES MOINES CITY DIREpTORY <1921). SMI BANKERS Accident Ins. Go. Valley NaUonalBank BaUdlni Accident and Health Insurance TKipliiiilWalBiitSir ASCRTS WARTEO Smith Clarld (Smith & Smith Printing Go) res 353 18thSmith Clau;ae rms 717 3d Smith Claice Co r Smith Clares 409 Smith CleState av Smith Cle 16th , Smith ClevSSmith Cli res 222Smith Cly Union AiSmith Cly Motor CSmith Clyd^ MoinesSmith CoraSmith Cora & Dyers Smith C rSmith C TheaterSmith C res 1306Smith C ServiceSmith C de V slsmn Hawkeye Serv- ? 718 33d dishwasher Saratoga Cafeaccoonelk D M U Ry bds 2287 e opr la Tel Co bds 1510 and carp res 503 so w 2d!ord G elk C A Messenger ^th 6 C state agt Commercialfiurance Co res 1337 24the E maintenance mn Ford res 1919 11thH mach bds 1736 Des (wid Ira S) res 5625 Grandpresser Central Cleanersi|ms 816 13th ^ Liberty HotelMoore musician Empress!S 533 14th •1 slsmn Garlock-Stutz CoTthur av wd lino type opr la Insliireau res 1329 23dlab Beaver Valley MillingCo rms 11152