06.05.2018, Deutschland, Thüringen, Weimar - Buchenwald-Gedenkstätte von 1958, Buchenwald-Gedenkstätte (Konzentrationslager-Gedenkstätte), Blick auf ein Massengrab. Das B
06.05.2018, Germany, Thuringia, Weimar - Buchenwald memorial from 1958, Buchenwald memorial (concentration camp memorial), view of a mass grave. The Buchenwald Memorial was inaugurated on 14 September 1958 as the GDR's first national memorial. Its design interprets the history of Buchenwald concentration camp exclusively as the victory of communist resistance over fascism. Even the Holocaust remained unmentioned. The purpose of the memorial was to historically justify the SED's democratically illegitimate claim to leadership. To do this, history had to be distorted accordingly. 00A180506D411CAROEX.JPG [MODEL RELEASE: NOT APPLICABLE, PROPERTY RELEASE: NO (c) caro images / Bastian, http://www.caro-images.com, info@caro-images.com - In case of using the picture for any purpose, please contact the agency - the picture is subject to royalty!]